June 201 ask onyx (John)

If you could pick 3 cast members to have dinner with, who would it be?
Another difficult question Beth. Peter Sallis would be first on the list anyway. I could imagine that John Comer and Joe Gladwin would have been entertaining company to be with so I will go with those three, but if you were to ask me the same question in a few days time I would probably have three more in mind.
Who are your 3 favorite characters and what one question would you ask each of them? It could be a regular or special guest.
Again Brenda, my three favorites would vary from time to time. Today I would pick Cleggy, Wesley and Compo. I would ask Wesley whatever happened to the Loxley Lozenge and Compo what he kept in his matchbox. Lastly I would ask Cleggy why the hell he ever got married.;D
Yes I wondered that about Cleggy. Though once he spoke kindly of his wife in that she warmed his underwear in front of the fire. I can't remember the rest but that just cracks me up.
Would you eat anything "exotic" just to please your host at a dinner party anywhere in the world?? :13::30:
Morning John, just wondered what your views on feminism are?

I don't mean in terms of pay or social standing, that goes without saying that we should be equal. I mean in other aspects.
Would you eat anything "exotic" just to please your host at a dinner party anywhere in the world?? :13::30:

Depends what you mean by exotic Dick. I'd say If I were was offered something I didn't want to eat then I wouldn't eat it just to please someone else, even it was the host. I think I would politely decline. But I do like a bit of date and walnut cake:hungry:
John, What do you do for a living, if retired, what from and what do you do for enjoyment or fun?
I work for my brother in his aluminum fabrication business, but only part time now. The downturn in the economy has hit everyone hard but still I like having some free time to do other things.