How do you think your best friend would describe you?
Oh my this is a good one. I have had a best friend for 25 years so I conferred with her only because I don't want to come across bragging but here I go.
I would say I am a pretty upbeat person normally. I have had a lot of health issues the past six months and saw the worst of myself, but have seen myself get stronger overall just by mere stubbornness and help from a lot of friends.

I can't believe how far I have come actually!
I am a morning person and am annoyingly cheerful.
I am a bit shy really so I don't approach other shy people. I feel they don't like me even though I am the same way.
I love to aggravate others after I get to know them well. (poor things) This is how I reach out to others. I always feel that if a co-worker doesn't aggravate me, I am in trouble.
I am not a shopper; I hate the malls unless it is Christmas time. I do like to go to auction sales/garage sales and look for old jewelery or antiques or anything that might be worth more than I am spending. Otherwise, I would rather walk by the lake or on a trail.
I love art; I can be very creative and like to think outside the box. I tend to sketch things I see and I am not too bad at it.
I traveled a lot as a young person and have a great wonder about how people relate to other people in different worlds. Always wondering if there is a better solution to bring peace to the world. A bit of a dreamer and romantic I suppose.
I would say I am a good friend. I would do anything if he/she needed me. I would put my own needs aside.
I love a challenge and to accomplish it, but I am not one to flaunt it. I would much rather stay in the background and be part of a team.
I am only neat and orderly when I have company. ;D I hate making the bed and I always leave the toothpaste cap off the toothpaste and I can never find my keys. Once I found them in my freezer. sigh..
If there is anything I left out that you can add, feel free as long as it is good. ;D