Re-used ideas in the show?


Dedicated Member
This is my first post here so apologies if this subject has been raised many times.

I was watching Who Made a Bit of a Splash in Wales Then? and noticed for the first time that Edie`s style of driving in later episodes was very much modeled on Clegg`s driving here. It is also apparent how different this story is to what would come later when the plots became rather more formulaic.

So a double question...

How many other examples are there of Roy Clarke reusing ideas from earlier series of the show in later years?

And at what point, if any, did new ideas for stories seem to become more infrequent?
To answer your first question, I have found that there are a lot similar idea's that run throughout all the episodes IE Gordons wedding where his wife to be is straightening out her father for the photograph she asks him not to look like he's pining for his overalls, similar words are used by Edie to Wesley in many episodes.
I'm sure others will have other examples.

Secondly I think the repetition of many ideas became more frequent when Foggy left the second time, though I'm sure I will be proved wrong on that, that is just my observation anyway. The later the episode the more likely a "Recycled" theme.

By the way, welcome to the forum and what a great first post :)
The three on one bicycle was done more than once. Once with Foggy and then with Seymour.
Yes welcome aboard nick and a great first posting,I dare not answer the question as the ladies got in first
I don't know whether this counts but we first saw Howard and Marina as a couple when they were discovered by the threesome doing the tango under a tree with music being provided by a tape player. Some years later, Howard and Marina repeated the performance as they once again did the tango under a tree to music from a tape player.
Welcome, Nicko. Well, now, I have to say that I don't find a whole lot of repetition. Actually, none. What I see is just phrases being re-used, no harm there, I like it. For example, "Don't forget to write." or . . "We hurt his dirty rotten feelings."
Consistency is what I notice when it is out of whack. Bothers me sometimes, lol. For instance, Ivy drops in on Nora to discuss what to do about Compo getting a grapple with them all the time. Well, Nora scoops sugar in Ivy's tea and says she never touches it. Beg pardon, but that's a lie. She is seen scooping in sugar in future episodes. Norm shows bravery, impudence even toward Nora in Spring Fever when he says, "Oh come now, Mrs. Batty, you're his ideal of womanhood." After that he practically whimpers in her presence, e.g. Merry Heatwave. Any thoughts?
The three on one bicycle was done more than once. Once with Foggy and then with Seymour.

Beth, we (husband and I)had this conversation and have seen that ALL have been on the bike with Bill(Compo), Blamire, First Foggy, Seymour, Second Foggy, Truly. We didn't write down the episodes, but made note when we seen it. I had mentioned this in a unrelated thread and asked if after Truly if the 3 on a bike had been done,especially since I haven't seen past 2005 , but I doubt that Peter would be doing something that physical at his age.

Another re used idea, using the daft older men to advertise for Auntie Wainwright. Smiler and Eli. Sure there are more.
To answer your first question, I have found that there are a lot similar idea's that run throughout all the episodes IE Gordons wedding where his wife to be is straightening out her father for the photograph she asks him not to look like he's pining for his overalls, similar words are used by Edie to Wesley in many episodes.
By the way, welcome to the forum and what a great first post :)

Of course all northern women do that to their men! And all the men prefer overalls to suits .... ;D ;D ;D

because there is an element of caricature drawn from good observation then there is a likelihood that there will be some resemblance from on programme to another as the raw material Roy Clarke was drawing from was the same.
Another point.

295 episodes is almost certain to have some similarities - how many weddings, funerals did the various trios go to? (that has been answered a long time ago but would need digging out to find).

Any long running series will have a tendency to repeat itself - as an example look at Phil Silvers in Bilko - some of those episodes would be remarkably similar to others. The problem is one of sheer number.

Also from a certain point there seemed to be a formula - the ladies coffee morning, Howard tying to see Marina and being thwarted, some daft idea being put to Compo which he agrees to impress Norah, etc. I did query this via the Appreciation Society and was told that the TV audiences preferred it that way. I always liked episodes such as "Full Steam Behind" as it was totally one-off. Yet even in that we had Clegg ironing which was repeated on several occasions.
Welcome, Nicko. Well, now, I have to say that I don't find a whole lot of repetition. Actually, none. What I see is just phrases being re-used, no harm there, I like it. For example, "Don't forget to write." or . . "We hurt his dirty rotten feelings."
Consistency is what I notice when it is out of whack. Bothers me sometimes, lol. For instance, Ivy drops in on Nora to discuss what to do about Compo getting a grapple with them all the time. Well, Nora scoops sugar in Ivy's tea and says she never touches it. Beg pardon, but that's a lie. She is seen scooping in sugar in future episodes. Norm shows bravery, impudence even toward Nora in Spring Fever when he says, "Oh come now, Mrs. Batty, you're his ideal of womanhood." After that he practically whimpers in her presence, e.g. Merry Heatwave. Any thoughts?

I think Cleggy certainly changed a lot over the years and from episode to episode (I may be wrong about this as I`m sure I don`t know all of the episodes as well as some of you guys do).

For example, in the earlier series he is very whimsical and comes out with some great ponderings on the world. He also, at times (eg. Flower Power Cut), is actually an instigator in events. It seemed that as years passed he became more the `normal` one in between Compo and the third man.
Another point.

295 episodes is almost certain to have some similarities - how many weddings, funerals did the various trios go to? (that has been answered a long time ago but would need digging out to find).

Any long running series will have a tendency to repeat itself - as an example look at Phil Silvers in Bilko - some of those episodes would be remarkably similar to others. The problem is one of sheer number.

Also from a certain point there seemed to be a formula - the ladies coffee morning, Howard tying to see Marina and being thwarted, some daft idea being put to Compo which he agrees to impress Norah, etc. I did query this via the Appreciation Society and was told that the TV audiences preferred it that way. I always liked episodes such as "Full Steam Behind" as it was totally one-off. Yet even in that we had Clegg ironing which was repeated on several occasions.

I agree that any series with this level of longevity was certain to have some similarities along the way but also Roy Clarke`s style of writing contributed as well. For example, in Keeping Up Appearances (which obviously had a much shorter run) there is still a tendency to use plots which run along very similar lines.

I agree that it was a shame that ideas like the Howard and Marina joke were used every week as I think they contributed to some comedy fans having a lower opinion of the show than they otherwise would. It would probably be a shock to some people to watch earlier series of the show where the action moved to Wales or Scarborough as it goes against many of the stereotypes that LOTSW would later become famous for.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did they go up the hill in a chair more than once? Or did they go up the hill in something else the other time?

Anyways, welcome to the forum! I'm fairly new here too, but these people are pretty cool and we have some pretty good discussions. Hope you like it! :)
I think Cleggy certainly changed a lot over the years and from episode to episode (I may be wrong about this as I`m sure I don`t know all of the episodes as well as some of you guys do).

For example, in the earlier series he is very whimsical and comes out with some great ponderings on the world. He also, at times (eg. Flower Power Cut), is actually an instigator in events. It seemed that as years passed he became more the `normal` one in between Compo and the third man.

YES ! There are times that he muses over the silliest of notions, e.g. "Did you ever think that if our feet were the other way round we'd be able to stand closer to the wall?" If one of us said that, we might say, "Did I just say that out loud?" with a very nervous look. Most times he is flashing a yellow warning light at Compo. "Don't do it. Don't do it." Then as you say, other times he is walking a five bar gate, convincing Howard he was adopted or pulling Compos bit of string so he can say "Gottle of Geer." Oh, I like Clegg and he would be the one I would want to interview. Well done that man, Nicko. lol
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did they go up the hill in a chair more than once? Or did they go up the hill in something else the other time?

Anyways, welcome to the forum! I'm fairly new here too, but these people are pretty cool and we have some pretty good discussions. Hope you like it! :)

Yes they were always going up and down hills - hardly any flat parts in the Holme Valley! Actually I live on about the only level street in Keighley - hills are a way of life. Thus hurtling downwards was always seen as a good sport - they came down on tin trays, and other objects as well. They were once on a sofa attached to a car chassis which became detached (Loxley Lozenge) and there were other home made contraptions which involved domestic seating in a non domestic use!
I do see "loose repeating", but not literal repeating.

One example- and I will eventually come up with more- Clegg's reversing the car into the drive way in Who's Made a Bit of a Splash in Wales Then? and Jack Harry Teasdale's reversing the camper in Come Back Jack Harry Teasdale.

This certainly isn't a criticism.
Most repeated themes was anything to do with Maurice Chevalier or the French Foreign Legion.

In later years, I think the show deliberately repeated sub plots, like the morning routines of Compo and Nora, Clegg and Howard, Foggy and a stranger.

I think many repeated themes were a good idea - some of the best episodes were about weddings, old cars, boats, bicycles, etc.
Perhaps the most shameless piece of repition was between Barry's Christmas and A Leg Up for Christmas. (I think it was those episodes, with Father Christmas and the hearse.) You'll have to correct me if I'm wrong.