Shops no more....

Remember those shops which used to contain massive buckets of everything like rice, pasta, sugar etc. You used to fill a bag with whatever you wanted. I recall they were quite common in the 90's but not seen one for a long while.
There used to be one of those in Leek called The Home & Colonial Stores, it was a great old shop set on 3 levels and you just went down and down. Sadly it closed a few years ago.
Definitely like something out of FOTSW!
We still have a butchers, the fishmonger has gone but there’s a great one up the road in Macclesfield. The local diy shop closed last year and it was a good one not like the current trend for some ( not all) of the substandard crap for sale at the ‘around a pound’ type that seem to have taken over. The local motor factors has also gone. We had a wool shop that had been going for over 60 years and that too has closed.
The launderette closed and opened as a bike shop.
You don’t see many model shops anymore, I think the only one I can recall recently is in Frodsham. When I was a kid they were everywhere along with independent toy shops.
There are butcher shops in the villages around me and there is one hardware shop near me who has been there since the flood, he sells good quality stuff, I go in there a fair bit because he also sells garden ornaments which I've been collecting but good quality items are getting harder to find. We have a large fish and meat market in town and the quality is so much better than the supermarkets but you do pay for that quality. We're going there tomorrow for bacon joints and sausages, they do a lovely potted meat too.
There used to be one of those in Leek called The Home & Colonial Stores, it was a great old shop set on 3 levels and you just went down and down. Sadly it closed a few years ago.
Definitely like something out of FOTSW!
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You're more-or-less right. It's the same era... Home and Colonial Stores was once one of the UK’s largest retail chains. Formed in the late 1920s, they sold goods imported from European Colonies. In FOTSW, Co-Op manger when Mr Scrimshaw thinks the girls are giving excess butter in the packs he says, "Who do you think you are, eh? A couple of fifth columnists from the Home and Colonial?"
I can sympathise. On one of my filming trips to Holmfirth my "on screen" jeans got very wet and caked in mud. Popped in to Tesco to see if they had anything similar - it was late, after other shops closed - but nothing. Ended up washing the jeans in the bath. Luckily they dried on the radiator overnight and looked "ok"!
Too late to do you any good, but as far as I know, there's a launderette in Lockwood, next to the Baptist Church.
Fortunately Dad and I still have our bank branches. Dad's is still fully operational, but mine, sadly has extremely reduced services.
I live in a village, (moved from Brum last July) we do have a post office in a convenience store and a mini Co-op, but for a bank I think I'd need to go to MK, cos I don't remember seeing one in Stony Stratford. Oh, but I think the bank in MK Centre has closed ... ummm... My mobile is too old to work mobile banking!
I recall working at a TSB in central MK, they had two branches outside of the centre only a couple of buildings apart, I had to run some networking between the two
The speed that technology has changed stuff I'll be honest doesn't fill me with the greatest of glee.
I'm no Ted K. fanboy but I've read most of his stuff and he was 100% spot on. We literally destroy beautiful landscapes for a power station or new builds.
I'm not anti tech (obviously) but greed, profiteering and lack of common sense are the big boys in the school yard at the moment.
I live in a village, (moved from Brum last July) we do have a post office in a convenience store and a mini Co-op, but for a bank I think I'd need to go to MK, cos I don't remember seeing one in Stony Stratford. Oh, but I think the bank in MK Centre has closed ... ummm... My mobile is too old to work mobile banking!
My phone is the same, too old for going online. Besides which, as many people still would, I would rather talk to a real person in an actual branch.