The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

Please please please can people post images to their threads as thumbnails. If a user wants to see the image they only have to click on the thumbnail for full size.
Posting full size images straight to the thread puts my server under considerable strain.
Please please please can people post images to their threads as thumbnails. If a user wants to see the image they only have to click on the thumbnail for full size.
Posting full size images straight to the thread puts my server under considerable strain.

Is it possible for posters to edit their posts to replace full-sized images with thumbnails?
Hello Marianna,

You can indeed, I posted an entry earlier in this thread to show an old fashioned shop in Girona Spain and at the time I used the full photograph so I have just edited the thread , deleting the attachment within the body of the post . Any file that you have uploaded in that post remains available to add again with the option of thumbnail or image so I just selected the thumbnail and it successfully posted the amended post.
Thank you very much CC for that reply, helping me out (I'd never tried it).

Now if you could only entice posters to read and retain your request to post thumbnails instead of full-sized images! Would it be possible to take away the option to post at full size, leaving only the thumbnail option?
Now if you could only entice posters to read and retain your request to post thumbnails instead of full-sized images!
I have posted this a number of times. I didn't really want to make it "in ya face" so to speak, but I see I may have to rethink that philosophy.
Would it be possible to take away the option to post at full size, leaving only the thumbnail option?
I'll look into that, though this also would be a bit of a sledgehammer job for a thumb-tack.
Sorry I didn't know it was a problem
Thanks for the kind comments everyone
Take care,bye.
I have posted this a number of times. I didn't really want to make it "in ya face" so to speak, but I see I may have to rethink that philosophy.

I'll look into that, though this also would be a bit of a sledgehammer job for a thumb-tack.
Whooops Sorry, was that me? I honestly did know it was a problem.
Would one of the administrators please delete my account,I am unable to do it from this end.
Special thanks to Terry and to my mates Neil and Rick,you know my personal email
Okay I am just as guilty of doing this as any member, but I can see Tony's point of view,we pay for x amount of space per year on the servers, images posted over the last 9 years is taking up a lot of that space, which leaves us with choices, find another way of linking the pictures hosted somewhere else or possibly pay a chunk of money to expand the server space.
Time permitting over this weekend I will look for picture hosting options that are free, then members can load them to these sites, then put a link on the post
Okay I am just as guilty of doing this as any member, but I can see Tony's point of view,we pay for x amount of space per year on the servers, images posted over the last 9 years is taking up a lot of that space, which leaves us with choices, find another way of linking the pictures hosted somewhere else or possibly pay a chunk of money to expand the server space.
Time permitting over this weekend I will look for picture hosting options that are free, then members can load them to these sites, then put a link on the post

I had no idea it was an issue. I did one this afternoon.
Ah Tech support have been in touch, the problem with posting a full image is server bandwidth, if you post just a thumbnail it has zero effect on the bandwidth, if you post a full size image or several every time the post is viewed the bandwidth is high, and even if no members are online, don't forget at anytime we can have several search engine robots trawling the site who look at all the images and hammer the bandwidth

Now if you could only entice posters to read and retain your request to post thumbnails instead of full-sized images! Would it be possible to take away the option to post at full size, leaving only the thumbnail option?

Maybe another option Tony could look at
Have tried to keep my photo's to thumbnail but not being too tech have sometimes not worked.:13:
I am as guilty as anyone lets not turn this into a finger pointing exercise we collectively need to move this forward . I am so saddened by Pete's post not because we are friends but because of all the great posts we have his have been the most poignant and dare I say it welcome , particularly for those members who will not have the opportunity to ever visit the UK and even those in the UK who may never be able to travel to Holmfirth and the other locations because it pictorially shows lots of scenes they will see whenever they watch the show as they appear now .

It is obvious that we will have to be diligent and post thumbnails however whilst I was able to demonstrate how to make a change earlier in the post there is simply far too many historic posts to retrospectively edit them to switch to Thumbnails .
Absolutely correct Capt. there's no way that members can be expected to modify historical posts, I am aiming only at the future.
We have many many thousands of images already posted, it would be anathema to any person expected to do that.
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