What screen resolution (size) are you using.


Junior Jedi
Staff member
Hello friends. I am doing a little re-designing of the main website and could really do with your help.
I am trying to find out what is the most convenient and compatible size to make the web page.
If you already know your monitor resolution please vote, or if you have no idea what I'm talking about simply visit:
and it will tell you your resolution.
I thank you for your help :D
Now there's weird as them from t'other side of Offa's Dyke might say.

Your wee app http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ (or whatever it is) says 1093 x 614 but if I partially do the operation which it suggests is unnecessary (right click on Desktop and left click Screen Resolution, in other words check using Control Panel, Display) I get 1366 by 768, same as Susan. Seems to be recommended resolution for a laptop.
Now there's weird as them from t'other side of Offa's Dyke might say.

Your wee app http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ (or whatever it is) says 1093 x 614 but if I partially do the operation which it suggests is unnecessary (right click on Desktop and left click Screen Resolution, in other words check using Control Panel, Display) I get 1366 by 768, same as Susan. Seems to be recommended resolution for a laptop.
The resolution it gives is the resolution within your browser, which is what I'm really after, as I am trying to work out the web page size to target. But I can see from the replies that I'm going to have to have a wee bit of a rethink.
Most of the commercial templates from which I work are pixel based, but I feel a percentage based one is called for here, otherwise all (or most) of you will have acres or blank space to stare at.

Back to the drawing board..........
Sorry to sound thick but if I do this on the desk top would I get different answer?
My computer is down. So I use my phone for now. I don't know how to find screen resolution on this thing. ::)