Dedicated Member
I watched All That Glitters Is Not Elvis again the other day and, while the episode itself is passable enough, there was one moment that had me cringing with embarrassment.
Barry is in trouble with his boss and Glenda responds with words to the effect of, `Never mind Barry, if you were in Japan and you`d displeased your boss then you might be forced to commit suicide!`
Now firstly, this is a very weak joke and could have been cut for that reason alone. But also I would say that for any show in 2008 to still be using racial and cultural stereotypes like this was misjudged (I`m not trying to say that Roy Clarke or Alan Bell are racist in any way but maybe just behind the times in this instance).
Or am I just being a politically correct fool?
Anyway, are there any moments that other people find slightly embarrassing or cringe worthy through the show`s history for whatever reason?
Barry is in trouble with his boss and Glenda responds with words to the effect of, `Never mind Barry, if you were in Japan and you`d displeased your boss then you might be forced to commit suicide!`
Now firstly, this is a very weak joke and could have been cut for that reason alone. But also I would say that for any show in 2008 to still be using racial and cultural stereotypes like this was misjudged (I`m not trying to say that Roy Clarke or Alan Bell are racist in any way but maybe just behind the times in this instance).
Or am I just being a politically correct fool?

Anyway, are there any moments that other people find slightly embarrassing or cringe worthy through the show`s history for whatever reason?