LOOOOL *rofl*, I can´t stop laughing!
And thank you, Robin, for the compliment

Terry, do you have to tease me with this Cleggydent thing??
You know, I was telling Terry about a car accident I had when I had just popped into town to get some new clothes for my first England visit to see Peter, and on my way back somebody ran into the rear of my car. I have got a pretty old car and I thought, that was it, finished, now it´s all over with my poor old car, but by a miracle it wasn´t, I only had a small, but deep dent whereas the other one had his car completely shattered and couldn´t drive anymore. I still have that dent below the rear light and call it my Cleggy dent because I got it when I was out to buy something for the event, and it turned out to be a very good Cleggy dent because I was paid insurance money for it which allowed me a second visit for a longer time soon after the first one

. Since then "Cleggy dent" has become the name of a toothpaste for Terry. LOL!
Nosmo King is great, I don´t think I would have got that either!