Dave the young novice Zoo keeper is on his first day of work. He is in the aquatic room, changing a fluorescent tube. One end drops in the tropical fish tank and it instantly electrocutes all the fish.
They all float to the surface. He knows if the boss spots this, he'll be instantly fired. He takes the tube out, collects all the dead fish in a bucket. Puts a cardboard sign on the tank "Emptied for tank cleaning". Now he has to get rid of the evidence. The big cat section is nearby, so he throws the fish over and they get eaten by the lions.
He thought to himself "Dodged a bullet there". His next duty takes him to the monkey House. He is slopping out, but he doesn't notice two chimps creeping up on him. They pounce on to Dave, out of reflex he hits one chimp with a spade and repels the other chimp who hits his head on the concrete. They are both dead. He thinks "Oh no not again!" He scoops up both of them and throws them in to the Lion den, they gobble the dead chimps up.
Dave goes on to his next task to the insect house. Where he has to clean out the preying mantis cage and then move some bees. He cleans out the cage with no problem. He carefully transfer some bees from a clear perspex container to the main hive. He unfortunately steps on the queen bee so they all attack and sting him. In reflex he hits the hive with his spade and squashes all the bees. Signing he scoops them up puts the squashed remains in his bucket, then takes them to the lion's den. They gobble them up.
Dave decides to go home as it's not his day. Later that afternoon a different zookeeper takes delivery of a new lion from a different zoo .He releases the lion in with the others and then leaves.
The new lion goes up to the oldHead lion and says "Nice place you have here. Everyone seems friendly, but what is the food like?"
The Head lion smiles and says in a broad Lancashire accent " Ey up , It's really great, today we had fish, chimps and mushy bees".