jokes bad or otherwise.

The only time I've ever had a chip on my shoulder was when I tried
to empty the entire bag into my mouth at once.
When my son was a toddler I was feeding him when my wife said to me,
"Pretend that his dinner is an aeroplane, he likes that".
I said, "Okay" and threw his plate across the room.
She was right, he laughed his head off.
A snake goes into a pub and the landlord tells him to leave -

"I'm not serving you..." says the landlord, "you can't hold yer drink!"
My mate took his dog to the vets and asked him to cut his tail off.
He said, "Why? There's nothing wrong with it."
He said, "I know, but my wife's mother's coming tomorrow, and I don't
want anything to make her think she's welcome."
BBC News: "NASA scientists find that drugs lose effectiveness in space".
I reckon if you find yourself in space, you've had enough already.
The wife's not speaking to me because I wouldn't open the car door for her. It's not my fault...I just panicked and swam to the surface.
My neighbour told us he had slept with every women on our street but
" I bet it's the stuck up bitch across the road!" Said my Wife.
I went out on the town last night and had a bit too much apple juice.
This morning I really felt the cider-ffects.
3 blokes were arguing about who had the best memory. The 1st one said,
"Well I can remember my first day at primary school."
2nd one says, "That's nothing, I can remember my first day at nursery."
3rd one replied, "Well. I can remember going to a party with my Dad
and coming home with my Mum!"