jokes bad or otherwise.

A baby monkey said to his mother: Why are we so ugly???
Mom said: "You want to thank god we look like this, you should see the person reading this post!!!
I was talking to my blind friend who recently went sky diving.
"How did you know when you when you're near the ground?" I asked him.
He replied "The dog lead goes slack."

As a semi-blind person and a Dog owner and lover, I found this quite amusing!
"As I hurtled through space towards re-entry at twice the speed of sound the only thought in my mind was that this craft was entirely built by the lowest bidder!” Alan Shepard, Astronaut
Tourette's is a French word that describes a condition where people are unable to complete an coherent sentence with out using loads of swear words. Britain must have the highest number of people with Tourette's Syndrome in the world.
Wife by text to husband at work :- " Windows at home frozen - what will I do ?"

Husband :- " Spray some de-icer, or pour hot water on them !"

Wife :- 15 minutes later :- " Done that, now computer won't work at all ”.
;D ??? Why, when the hair on your head starts to thin, does it grow faster out of your ears and nostrils??
After the doctor gave the patient his diagnosis, the patient asked, "Can I
have a second opinion?"

The doctor replied, "Sure. Come back tomorrow."