June 201 ask onyx (John)

Cats in your garden John? Do they leave many" messages"?? I don't think there are many in my area that miss my garden. I have 2 that come sneaking around that would be inside the house if I let them.One lodges in my greenhouse (the door will not fully close) to escape the kids where it lives. They "rag" it to bits at times.
They don't cause too much trouble Dick. When I first sowed my peas I covered the ground with bits of shrubbery clippings from last year to keep them from digging in that spot, which worked well. One cat in particular comes into the greenhouse and sleeps in in a big flower pot but she doesn't do any harm really. The house behind me is derelict and the garden is completely overgrown, like a jungle and I'd say its a haven for rats. So the cats are doing a job for me keeping them at bay, I have yet to see one thankfully:12:
Alright John?

Half way through the month and you're still standing, can't be bad. :35:

There were those that thought your nerve would go but you're doing great man ;D And your still talking to me!! :respect: Aren't you? :D




OI Barry??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only 12 more days to go, but that's at least 12 more curve balls to dodge:eek:
.., what's a curveball ?? :p :p :30:

Probably among other things, it's a method of pitching a baseball that puts a forward spin on the ball, causing it to dive downward as it approaches home plate, where the batter stands trying to anticipate its passage over the plate so he can hit it hard.

So a verbal curve ball deviates from the preceding concept. You might also think of it as coming from a skewed perspective (forgive me in advance, Pearl - not meant as a personal comment on your questions!).

Thank goodness for Wikipedia! I knew all of that as a sort of conditioned reflex, but couldn't have verbalized it.

Jooooohnnn what's a curveball ?? :p :p :30:
It's a pitch in American baseball where the ball is thrown is such a fashion that it deviates from a predictable flight with the intention of deceiving the batter, much like a swing bowler in cricket. So in everyday language to be "thrown a curve" is to have someone do or ask something unpredictable, like Pearl for example!:16:
It's a pitch in American baseball where the ball is thrown is such a fashion that it deviates from a predictable flight with the intention of deceiving the batter, much like a swing bowler in cricket. So in everyday language to be "thrown a curve" is to have someone do or ask something unpredictable, like Pearl for example!:16:
Sorry Marianna, I hadn't noticed you had already explained this:16:
It's a pitch in American baseball where the ball is thrown is such a fashion that it deviates from a predictable flight with the intention of deceiving the batter, much like a swing bowler in cricket. So in everyday language to be "thrown a curve" is to have someone do or ask something unpredictable, like Pearl for example!:16:

I can't be that unpredictable! You have to know what's coming by now :(
Here's a Sly and Arnie inspired question. :D

Have you or would you ever have botox?

Seriously just seen a trailer for their new filum, Joan Rivers must be having nights sweats thinking about the shortage of botox now that the worlds supply is in their faces!! What happened to men looking like men?