June 201 ask onyx (John)

Here's a Sly and Arnie inspired question. :D

Have you or would you ever have botox?

Seriously just seen a trailer for their new filum, Joan Rivers must be having nights sweats thinking about the shortage of botox now that the worlds supply is in their faces!! What happened to men looking like men?
No chance. I would sooner gnaw my own arm off or stick rusty pins in my eyes, or both. One the other hand maybe Sly has been influenced by the wonderful success his mother has had with keeping her youthful looks.:eek::46: Back Jackie, back!:46:
No chance. I would sooner gnaw my own arm off or stick rusty pins in my eyes, or both. One the other hand maybe Sly has been influenced by the wonderful success his mother has had with keeping her youthful looks.:eek::46: Back Jackie, back!:46:
Who is that in the picture? Sly's mother? Really?
Remember that film Stallone did " Stop or my mom will shoot"!!
I f they'd used his real mom , she wouldn't have needed the gun! ;D ;D
I dreamed one day of walking on The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco . Have you a secret destination?? :wink: Age and finance have stopped me.
Morning John :D

What has been your weirdest dream?
I have had so many weird dreams. Only recently I dreamt that I was watching a game of cards between the devil and God. The winner was to get my soul! God kept dropping cards on the floor and was winking at me when he picked them up but the devil caught him and accused him of cheating. So then they decided just to cut the deck to decide. This time it was the devil winking at me, but God drew the highest card and the devil stormed off, telling me he'd be back again soon! It was a frightening dream, very realisitc and scarey. If I were to make an analogy and probably over analyze it I would think that maybe God represented my sobriety and the devil questioning my resolve to remain so, reminding me that if I ever slip up that he'll be waiting!
The most realistic recurring dreams I've had in the past was when I was giving up smoking, I would dream that I had smoked a cigarette and then wake up with such relief to realise it was only a dream. I'm convinced now that these dreams were my subconscious working for me helping me to quit. I've spoken to other people in the same boat who had very similar dreams and they were of the same opinion. The mind is such an amazing thing and we know so little about how it works.
I have had so many weird dreams. Only recently I dreamt that I was watching a game of cards between the devil and God. The winner was to get my soul! God kept dropping cards on the floor and was winking at me when he picked them up but the devil caught him and accused him of cheating. So then they decided just to cut the deck to decide. This time it was the devil winking at me, but God drew the highest card and the devil stormed off, telling me he'd be back again soon! It was a frightening dream, very realisitc and scarey. If I were to make an analogy and probably over analyze it I would think that maybe God represented my sobriety and the devil questioning my resolve to remain so, reminding me that if I ever slip up that he'll be waiting!
The most realistic recurring dreams I've had in the past was when I was giving up smoking, I would dream that I had smoked a cigarette and then wake up with such relief to realise it was only a dream. I'm convinced now that these dreams were my subconscious working for me helping me to quit. I've spoken to other people in the same boat who had very similar dreams and they were of the same opinion. The mind is such an amazing thing and we know so little about how it works.

If the devil is drink then stick with god :16: We like you the way you are :28:
I think that the dream has stated that you have won John. The devil's remark is just to keep you on your toes. I believe that God is proud of you too.
I dreamed one day of walking on The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco . Have you a secret destination?? :wink: Age and finance have stopped me.
There are lots of places I'd like to visit, but none of them secret. My niece Emma has just climbed to Machupicchu in Perú and its sounds like a wonderful adventure. I'm thinking about all the places that Emma's brother Barry has been to and worked in, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Alaska and I cant help thinking I've lived a very sheltered life! I was going to say that these sort of adventures are for the young but that shouldn't really be the case, but certainly finance would narrow my horizons too Dick.
There are lots of places I'd like to visit, but none of them secret. My niece Emma has just climbed to Machupicchu in Perú and its sounds like a wonderful adventure. I'm thinking about all the places that Emma's brother Barry has been to and worked in, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Alaska and I cant help thinking I've lived a very sheltered life! I was going to say that these sort of adventures are for the young but that shouldn't really be the case, but certainly finance would narrow my horizons too Dick.
I would have loved to do Machupichu? but the height above sea level etc would mean I would have needed oxygen for most of the journey so it was a dream I soon put away. I have a great feeling for pre -history so cant help wondering......:confused: :confused: