June 201 ask onyx (John)

See you have a quite spell here John.
I have read all of the questions , but I cannot remember all of them. So if this is a repeat forgive me.

Do you have any pets?
The chicken had to come first ...otherwise who laid the egg??:wink:

The chicken crossed the road to go and see Colonel Sanders!! :wink: :p

Alright John?

Half way through the month and you're still standing, can't be bad. :35:

There were those that thought your nerve would go but you're doing great man ;D And your still talking to me!! :respect: Aren't you? :D




OI Barry??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John, which came first the chicken or the egg?
A chicken and an egg lie together in bed. The chicken smokes a cigarette and smiles with satisfaction.The egg on the other hand just lies there with a very unsatisfied expression:( I hope that answers your question Pearl....:16:
A chicken and an egg lie together in bed. The chicken smokes a cigarette and smiles with satisfaction.The egg on the other hand just lies there with a very unsatisfied expression:( I hope that answers your question Pearl....:16:

Aaahh so the chicken IS a cockerel ;D;D
Can I play too?? Why did the chicken cross the road??
I don't know the answer to that one Dick, but they do say that your average 'thinking man's chicken' dreams of a time they will be able to cross the road without having their motives questioned.
I don't know the answer to that one Dick, but they do say that your average 'thinking man's chicken' dreams of a time they will be able to cross the road without having their motives questioned.

Surely not, its how they know we care!
TUT Dick!!

OK now both of you have to come with a different answer. And they betta be plausible too. :46::46::46::46::46::13:
The new breed of more self-assured chickens only cross the road halfway because they want to lay it on the line ;D
Doesn't the self-assured chicken worry about getting his tail feathers knocked off while laying it on the line?
See you have a quite spell here John.
I have read all of the questions , but I cannot remember all of them. So if this is a repeat forgive me.

Do you have any pets?
No pets Brenda. There were pet cats here for years and I did like having them around but if your going to keep pets they do need to be looked after properly with time, effort and money and I just don't have that much interest in keeping them these days. There are neighbours cats around and I like to see them in my garden, I haven't seen a mouse for years. My brothers and sisters are all animal lovers, they all have numerous pets, my younger sis. has three dogs and about six cats but I certainly wouldn't like that.
Cats in your garden John? Do they leave many" messages"?? I don't think there are many in my area that miss my garden. I have 2 that come sneaking around that would be inside the house if I let them.One lodges in my greenhouse (the door will not fully close) to escape the kids where it lives. They "rag" it to bits at times.