June 201 ask onyx (John)

Morning John, just wondered what your views on feminism are?

I don't mean in terms of pay or social standing, that goes without saying that we should be equal. I mean in other aspects.
I think that women don't need arbitrary beauty archetypes steeped in historically biased ideologies pumped out to them by mediocre archaic forms of media to define their sex. (Of course I could be lying)
I think that women don't need arbitrary beauty archetypes steeped in historically biased ideologies pumped out to them by mediocre archaic forms of media to define their sex. (Of course I could be lying)

Perfect answer, I'd have said that I don't wish to be seen to be equal to something that thinks armpit noises are hysterical but I like your answer better. :respect::respect::41:
What is your favorite childhood memory? What is your funniest childhood memory?
What is your favorite childhood memory? What is your funniest childhood memory?
The first year I attended secondary school we won the inter schools annual concert competition. I was lucky enough to win the instrumental music section outright . The whole school was so excited, I can still remember vividly how elated we all felt that night. I was only twelve at the time so I suppose that should count as a childhood memory.
Funniest memories were of summer holidays spent on my grandparent's farm. My uncle Maurice who lived there at the time was a right comedian back then and used to have us in stitches with his antics. There's no one particular funniest memory Beth, the whole summer was a laugh back then. I'll have to stop, you're getting me all misty eyed :wink::35:
Go ahead and get teary eyed. It really is OK. :). Yes I can relate to going to my grampas, and my dad and his siblings in their laughing. I had an Uncle Denton who kept us in stitches. I get tears thinking about their laughs and snorts too. Yes I said snorts. ;)

What instrument did you play and do you still have it?
Go ahead and get teary eyed. It really is OK. :). Yes I can relate to going to my grampas, and my dad and his siblings in their laughing. I had an Uncle Denton who kept us in stitches. I get tears thinking about their laughs and snorts too. Yes I said snorts. ;)

What instrument did you play and do you still have it?
It was the piano accordion and it's still down in my mother's house somewhere but I haven't played it or even seen it for years.
Pearl was that you at the bottom of the stairs and John at the top? ;D
Going on a report in the paper today about female stars swearing as much as Gordon Ramsay....Do you think that the feminist movement may have shot itself in the foot by going somewhat O T T ?? :30: (Quick, hide Pearls whip!! :13: :13:)
Going on a report in the paper today about female stars swearing as much as Gordon Ramsay....Do you think that the feminist movement may have shot itself in the foot by going somewhat O T T ?? :30: (Quick, hide Pearls whip!! :13: :13:)
As soon as I dig myself out of one hole I fall into another! :02: I think it's all about context Dick, I know one woman who co-drives in rally events and she swears like a sailor when she's navigating, 'effing and blinding all through the race. Outside the car she's a very softly spoken lady, but when she's doing her job well and 'in the zone' anything goes. In other words she's doing the job just as a man would but doing it better than most (no flannel Pearl) So in that context it's perfectly acceptable for a woman to express herself as she needs to. Conversely it wouldn't be nice for a woman or man to be 'effing their heads off at a dinner party for instance.
I have a feeling you all have me down as a raving feminist!

I'm really not! :32:

I think we should get paid the same if we do the same job and we should NOT be treated like second class citizens to be bought and sold has property or be told what we can and cannot do, we should be valued and treasured and parents should not wish to only have male children because daughters are expensive and "hard to get rid of" but other than that we are designed to be to separate sexes.

I don't want us to be melded into one androgynous species we're two different entities, one is practical and nurturing the other is programed to behave like a duck egg!!

I don't like to hear women effing and jeffing I don't ( Or very very rarely) use the F word. I like to see women behaving like women and men behaving like men, the only feminine side like my man being in touch with is.............. Well I'll leave that to your imagination. :whisper:

We are the only animals on earth that undervalue females, stone them to death for not doing as their told, beat them and abuse them and abort them because males think they're better than us, even when it's a male dominated society females in other animal societies are still taken care of and looked after, fed and housed because without females all life, human or otherwise would cease to exist.

So there you have it! My philosophy on life. By the way John! Your doing great with the curve balls :p:p
Thank you Pearl for speaking up for us women. :).

John what was your favorite hobbie/activity as a child and as an adult?
Morning John, your daily curveball is............

(Taking this from George who curved it to me)

What makes you blush?
Had to visit the doctor this morning.(more antibiotics:30:) I waited 25 minutes past my appointment time , what's the service like in your neck of the woods?? :confused:
Had to visit the doctor this morning.(more antibiotics:30:) I waited 25 minutes past my appointment time , what's the service like in your neck of the woods?? :confused:

Same here yesterday, had a blood test at nine, nurse didn't turn up till nearly half past.
Morning John, your daily curveball is............

(Taking this from George who curved it to me)

What makes you blush?
Some things make still me blush Pearl. I was painfully shy growing up and at some stage I discovered that alcohol was a great inhibition remover, but not one I would recommend. This was the start of a slippery slope for me and it took many years to put things right again. Thankfully that's behind me now. Strange that one of the things that helped me most overcome my introversion was aftercare group meetings that I attended for two years after I left hospital. Having to speak so frankly within a group was so difficult at first but by the end I was actually enjoying it. I'd say the biggest thing that makes me blush these days is being complimented. :-[:-[:-[
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Had to visit the doctor this morning.(more antibiotics:30:) I waited 25 minutes past my appointment time , what's the service like in your neck of the woods?? :confused:
It's OK Dick. My doctor has been very good and very patient with me over the years. He's due to retire soon and I know I will miss him, we always had a good rapport. I suppose the average waiting time would be at least half an hour but I have waited longer than that by times, often an hour or more.
A comment on the Dr waiting times. Here in the states. You will almost always wait a half an hour just to go back to the smaller room. Then sometimes wait another 30 to 40 minutes for the Dr. I have noticed depending on what type of Dr. you are seeing. In my case I think I have found some better ones who stick more to my time being as valuable than theirs.
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