

Junior Jedi
Staff member
I suffer from something my Doctor calls "Cluster Headaches", they occur annually and normally for a period of between eight and twelve weeks in my case.
The Doctor has tried a couple of the so called preventative medications that seem only to send my head into orbit (totally stoned!!), but nothing else.
This year, for the first time, she has prescribed Oxygen (something about 100%/15/10) that is used at headache onset. It works :) as soon as the headaches start I put the mask on and 10 to 15 minutes later the pain starts to subside.

My question is how? I have searched google and found no explanation, I know WHAT it does, but no details on chemical/physical reactions. Any Doctors or Nurses here?
Like Pearl Tony, I have no idea why but I am pleased for you. I was treated for Migraines for years and the symptoms of Cluster Headaches seem awfully familiar. However my Migraines faded away and disappeared after I stopped work so good luck on your quest for an answer to how/why oxygen works.
Have had a wander around Google as is my wont. Have not found any totally definitive statement. I found this on cluster headaches:
In there I note, under 'Oxygen therapy' - "It's a safe treatment and there's evidence it is effective in relieving cluster headaches."

What does oxygen therapy do? It increases the level of oxygen in the blood. You have probably realised this yourself; that there is obviously some part of your anatomy, probably your head/brain which needs more oxygen. One hates to think of any other condition such as hardening of the head blood vessels and proneness to TIAs. But I have an idea the cause of migraines has never been definitively establish. Maybe just give thanks that as I have quoted above, "there's evidence it is effective in relieving cluster headaches."


But sent sympathetically!!!​
There doesn't seem to have been much research into cluster headache. That's strange, since many more men than women get them. Anyway, this was all that I found other than the NHS reference, patient blogs and commercial clinics.


Even that article doesn't attempt to explain either what causes the headaches or why oxygen is effective in stopping one after it starts.

JAMA is peer-reviewed, so quite likely to contain information as valid as the info on the NHS site. In 2011 Medicare added coverage for home use of oxygen to treat cluster headache. They're a health-insurance provider, so more in the business of denying coverage than allowing it. When they allow a treatment, the evidence for its cost-effectiveness must be overwhelming.

Oxygen is certainly much safer to use than any of the alternatives, and more effective as well. The downside, of course, is the inconvenience of always having to have an oxygen bottle and regulator with you.

Good find Big Unc and Marianna. Seems a bit of O2 does the trick. I haven't been to one but my husband has, they are called Oxygen bars, you go in and get some O2, he said it was really neat. I suppose the extra may give a euphoric feeling. In some peoples cases they need a bit more oxygen.

:37: I am glad it is working for you Tony.
Good find Big Unc and Marianna. Seems a bit of O2 does the trick. I haven't been to one but my husband has, they are called Oxygen bars, you go in and get some O2, he said it was really neat. I suppose the extra may give a euphoric feeling. In some peoples cases they need a bit more oxygen.

:37: I am glad it is working for you Tony.

I heard that the casinos in Nevada pump oxygen into the games rooms because it keeps people awake longer and makes them feel good so they stay longer and spend more!!

Stay out the betting shops Tony :D
I heard that the casinos in Nevada pump oxygen into the games rooms because it keeps people awake longer and makes them feel good so they stay longer and spend more!!

Stay out the betting shops Tony :D

That sounds like something they would do! I know after I had surgery once, I took the oxygen off when I had visitors, and I got light headed right away. :o
Feeling a little mischievous Tony , I have to ask you if it was ever suggested leaning you backwards over a wall?? :16: :me: :me:
I'm going today to pick up a pulse/Ox monitor to use tonight. I keep having headaches and they have done many, many tests on my sinuses thinking that was the problem. They cannot find anything wrong there, so they are going to monitor my oxygen while I sleep and see if drops down.
The doc said if your oxygen levels drop while your sleeping you can have headaches during the day. ????
I'll let you know the results when I hear something in a few days.
I'm going today to pick up a pulse/Ox monitor to use tonight. I keep having headaches and they have done many, many tests on my sinuses thinking that was the problem. They cannot find anything wrong there, so they are going to monitor my oxygen while I sleep and see if drops down.
The doc said if your oxygen levels drop while your sleeping you can have headaches during the day. ????
I'll let you know the results when I hear something in a few days.

Wouldn't it be great if O2 is all you needed, instead of surgery. Hope you get results.
Feeling a little mischievous Tony , I have to ask you if it was ever suggested leaning you backwards over a wall?? :16: :me: :me:

You mean like they did in the episode with Ludovic ? That would be cheaper! ;D.

Seriously, glad your doing better Tony!
Just wondering Tony whether your concern at selling too cheap is related to the headaches - did selling too low cause the headache or did the headache mean you made a pricing error?