Best one liners

Compo: What about if you and I try to make some big magic, eh?
Nora: I tell you what magic you can do; you can disappear.
Compo: I thought we could go down there and play some Fred Astaire records. (Whoppe do be do.....)
Truly: I use to keep both eyes closed near dead bodies.
Compo: What did your bosses say about that?
Truly: They use to think I was deep in thought. I soon had a reputation as an intellectual.
I hope he finds a better place to keep his suicide pill. If it gets locked in there (Foggy's purse) it would be quicker to die of Athlete's Foot.
Compo: "She's game is that Marina. I wonder what sign she was born under?"
Clegg: "Well it certainly wasn't no trespassing that's for sure." :29:
Policeman.........."We ought to go back and get that reckless beggar who was speeding with his handcart!! :( :20:
Truly being wicked to the walkers as they pass Billy with his fingers in his ears......"Don't be alarmed when you hear the explosion!":16::35: