Best one liners

If I get hurt, your daughter will kill you. I only mention this because I hate to be causing trouble in the family.
Cleggy: You had an interesting war.
Compo: Oooh I did Norm.
Cleggy: I wondered who was making it last.
Howard: Let me look in your eyes.
Compo: Back off Howard.
Howard: I am looking for "Lonely Blue Eyes".
Compo: We would never make a go of it.
Pearl(to Cleggy)......You're as dozy as the rest but you're honest!!

Cleggy.......Ha Ha , a reference from Pearl!! :biggrin:
Purloined this from Facebook just now.
Foggy: What's a scientific term for flashes in front of the eyes?
Clegg: Indecent exposure?
Truly: Why would anyone marry him? Would you marry him?
Clergy: Only if you are a bridesmaid.