Best one liners

Foggy .............It was one of the sacrifices you have to make when you are a trained killer. No little woman by the cottage door, never the patter of tiny feet. No browsing round Mothercare. These are some of the snags when you're a trained killer!
Compo...........Tha were a Corporal Signwriter!:20:

Cleggy...........Ah but you should have seen him sharpen his pencil!:08:
:geek2:FOGGY.............Have you anything on silent killing??How about unarmed combat for the over 60s? I've had a look around and all I can find for the over 60s is old-time dancing. If you're mugged in the street you can hardly Velleta him to death can you??:geek2: :eyesroll:
I think the one-liner that's so subtle, and possibly would only be relevant to us of a certain age, is Compo's response when they ask Ivy for ice in their lemonade. I think the episode is called 'A merry heatwave'. Anyway Ivy can't help them out with ice and Compo says in response 'let the tap run'. Those of us who went to small town cafes at the time this episode went out would remember that lattes, frappes and iced drinks were a thing of the future and the best you could do on a hot summer's day when you wanted a really cold drink of squash was to let the tap run so you'd get the water as cold as possible. After I watched the episode I realised that the writer had a true understanding of provincial Britain at the time! Sheer magic!
I think the one-liner that's so subtle, and possibly would only be relevant to us of a certain age, is Compo's response when they ask Ivy for ice in their lemonade. I think the episode is called 'A merry heatwave'. Anyway Ivy can't help them out with ice and Compo says in response 'let the tap run'. Those of us who went to small town cafes at the time this episode went out would remember that lattes, frappes and iced drinks were a thing of the future and the best you could do on a hot summer's day when you wanted a really cold drink of squash was to let the tap run so you'd get the water as cold as possible. After I watched the episode I realised that the writer had a true understanding of provincial Britain at the time! Sheer magic!

I still do let the tap run in the summer. But then I am in a town not dissimilar!
...Those of us who went to small town cafes at the time this episode went out would remember that lattes, frappes and iced drinks were a thing of the future and the .....

still not totally sure what a latte or a frappe is - I just ask for a coffee and some young lady looks at me in amazement that I am so unconnected with modern culture!

My coffee at home is still made in a percolator!
In the Only Diesel Saxophone in Captivity when Compo and Goatie are on the trolleys and hear what is Barry's Saxaphone

Clegg to Truly " Not only plays like a lorry he's run over an Ostrich"
CLEGGY ............. I committed suicide on leaving school! Well not exactly , I became a Lino salesman which is as close as you can get without a gun or a rope ! :08::confused:
HOBBO.............I keep getting these flashes, I've lived dangerously !
ENTWHISTLE.............. What, selling eggs and milk ??
HOBBO.........That must have been my cover!:42::eyesroll:
CLEGG to FOGGY..............Do you ever stop to wonder if there are other beings watching us from out there?
FOGGY...............Its highly unlikely.
Clegg..........I wish I was as sure as you are !
Foggy....................Stands to reason, anything out there would be doing its best to communicate with the more intelligent among us! I've never heard a word !:geek2::rolleyes:
NORAH............Keep your fishy fingers away from my body! Have you gone berserk??:13:

COMPO ...............More than berserk Norah, . Would you like to have a look at my snorkel?;):rolling: