jokes bad or otherwise.

THE chap in the Glasgow pub last night told his fellow topers: "Did you see that it was so cold in Northern America that the town of Hell froze over?"

"I'm away home then," announced one of his pals. "You'll never guess what the wife promised me if that ever happened."

;D ;D ;D
My mate's girlfriend was dancing on a table in the club.
"Good legs," I said to him.
"Do you really think so?," he asked.
"Yes," I replied, "most other tables would've collapsed under that weight."
Just for all you guys on the other side of the pond enjoying the snow:
As I waited for my Sunday lunch, I pondered the crossword."Fifteen down, six letters, starting with b," I said. "To present as an honour, to gift."
"Do you want gravy?" asked my wife.
"Aah, bestow."
When I go to someone's house and they tell me to make myself at home, the first thing I do is throw them out because I don't like visitors.
My mate Dave has drunk many weird and wonderful things in his time.
I asked him if he'd ever drunk cologne.
"No," he replied. "Always with mates."