An Aussie walks into a British pub, saunters up to the bar and orders two beers: one for him and one for his four-legged friend. As the barman places the beers on the counter he glances at the beast lying at the Aussie's feet. The barman raises one eyebrow and says "That is surely the ugliest dog I've ever seen in my life. What sort of breed is it?"
The Aussie takes a long swig of his beer, puts down the glass, and says: "He is a long-nosed, short-eared, long-bodied, short-legged water-hound, and I'll have you know that he's the best darn fighter I've ever owned!"
The barman takes another long look and laughs. "I happen to own the toughest bulldog in the whole town, and he's never been beaten in a fight. I'll wager £1000 that my dog could beat that ugly mutt of yours any day of the week."
The Aussie takes the barman up on the bet and they bundle the two unfortunate creatures unceremoniously into the back room of the pub and pull the door shut. Immediately there is a frenzy of snarls, growls and yelps, followed by an eerie silence.
Grinning, the barman opens the door, keen to collect on his £1000 wager. To his dismay, his bulldog is lying dead in a pool of blood whilst the Aussie's four-legged companion lays in the middle of the room, casually chewing on the remains of the bulldog's left rear leg.
The barman shakes his head as he reaches into his back pocket and hands over a large roll of bank notes. "17 fights...", he mutters, "17 fights my dog has been in and he's never lost a single one until now. Who ever knew that such an odd-looking mutt as yours would be able to fight so well. What sort of breed did you say he was again?"
"He's a long-nosed, short-eared, long-bodied, short-legged water-hound," the Aussie grinned, "although up in far north Queensland where I come from we just call them Crocodiles."