jokes bad or otherwise.

The Circus is in town and a showman goes into the bar and asks for a pint of beer. After a couple of beers he says would you like to see my dancing duck . The Barman intrigued says yep so the man takes the duck from its cage , upturns a shiny silver bucket on the bar , puts the duck on top and they wait a few minutes nothing , the barman goes off and serves another fella . When he returns the duck is tap dancing like Fred Astaire . The bartender thinks its great and offers him a thousand pound for it which the man readily accepts.

A couple of days later having posted an event starring the duck the pub is packed . The barman duly produces the duck puts the bucket on the bar and places the duck on top . Ten minutes in nothing . To a cheer of boos the people leave in their droves . Angry the barman storms across to the circus grabs the guy who sold it and demands his money back . "I turned the bucket up on the bar , put the duck on it , ten minutes , nothing"

"Ah" the showman replies " but did you remember to put the lighted candle under the bucket" :tw::fp:
I did this all wrong. Let me try again.

I submitted several entries to a pun-writing contest and awaited to see if I won an award. No pun in ten did.
Glad you clarified Onslow I read your original joke several time and just thought I was thick for not getting the joke, I do now :D :D :D