jokes bad or otherwise.

2 Cars are in a head on collision,,

A man crawls out of the first car and a woman crawls out of the second,

"Wow" she says "both cars are write offs but neither of us has a scratch!"

" Look here as well, this bottle of wine is unbroken. I think we deserve a drink"

" I'm game" said the man

"Go ahead" she said" you first."

He drinks deeply and is just going to hand the bottle back when she says "no thankyou!"
" Dont you want any?" he said

" I think I'll just wait for the police! "she said.

One of his first posts on this thread which he made his own :(
Rather risque but not blue

I went to the pub the other day and my friend was slumped over his pint really on a downer. I asked what was wrong.

" It's my grandad he's passed away he was our rock taught me everything I know, always loyal to my grandma, tipped up his wages religiously on Friday, even made love to her, always on a Sunday, without fail until he died . I think it was something to do with the rhythm of the church bells and he would have still been alive today if that bloody Mr Whippy van hadn't of rocked up outside his house!!" :eek: Oh Matron !