jokes bad or otherwise.

Three farmers (A,B & C) are chatting about their produce, Farmer A
says "Because my name is Farmer A, I sell Hay" Farmer B says "Because
my name is farmer B, I breed Bee's"
Farmer C says "Because my name is Farmer C, I dispense drugs!"
Have you had a trip, slip or fall recently? Not been paying attention
to where your going? Then you're an idiot aren't you?!
''Oh Damn!!The Police are here!Quick let's jump out of the window.''
"But..but we're on the 13th Floor!"
"Dammit mate!!It's neither the time nor the place to be superstitious!!"
I've got a T-shirt which has written on it, I love the HIP HOP.. I
think the letters C and S must have fallen off
I was walking down the street when an old beggar called out to me:
"Any change sir?"
"No" I said, "I still live in a big house and drive a Porsche."
I'm so bored with life, I've decided to read the Oxford English Dictionary
from start to finish.
I'm past caring.
Al-Qaida has not yet picked a new leader to run their terrorist organisation.
Apparently, candidates keep losing interest after asking, 'What happened
to the last guy?'
My mate says his grandad always said, "good fences make good neighbours."
He said he looked like an idiot standing there talking to a fence.
I am still searching for the answer in life we have all desired since
childhood, but does anyone actually know.
How much was that doggy in the window?
A sudden plague wipes out Earth's population overnight. Centuries
later, aliens arrive and explore the remnants of our civilisation.
Their conclusion:
This planet's people worshipped many different religions. Almost every
home had a book about a young man performing miracles to triumph over
evil. Some called him "Jesus Christ", others called him "Mohammed",
but most called him "Harry Potter".
I've just spent the past hour chasing a daddy long legs around my
Then I realised I had a crack in my glasses!!
My Parents said that when I grow up I could be anybody I wanted to
Now I've been arrested for identity theft.