June 201 ask onyx (John)

Do you have a "bucket list"? What are the top 3 things you want to accomplish in your life if you haven't already.
I would like to go to Le Mans for the 24 hour race, I believe it's an amazing place to be that weekend. Even though I had no aptitude for learning it at school I would like to try a new language, french would be the obvious choice having taken it in secondary school. We learned most subjects through the irish language in primary, mainly in english in secondary and as if that wasn't confusing enough they then threw french into the mix, but I'd still like to give it another bash! Lastly of course I would like to visit Holmfirth.
Beth wants to know about your first kiss.

I think she's got a cheek me self but that's Beth for you !! :16::35:
Ok, lets not start refusing to answer questions now seeing as I've come this far:o My first kiss was on a coach, coming home from a school tour. I can remember what she looked like and where she was from but I cant remember her name, so it wasn't love at first sight or anything like that! I had to kiss a few more before I got the hang of it :P:P
Have you a favourite song that brings back happy memories ??:wink:
Do you remember My coo ca choo by Alvin Stardust Dick? I loved that song when it came out in the early 70's, don't know why but it came straight to mind when I read your question. I bought the record and my sister scratched it, there was blue murder:39:
Do you remember My coo ca choo by Alvin Stardust Dick? I loved that song when it came out in the early 70's, don't know why but it came straight to mind when I read your question. I bought the record and my sister scratched it, there was blue murder:39:

I could create a list that have meant things over the years but the one that rings most bells was HIPPY HIPPY SHAKE by the Swingin Blue Jeans.
Yes I remember My Coo Cachoo . We lived not far from where he used to live when he started out as Shane Fenton :)
John, what is the furthest you've been from home. Btw, what is the name of your town . . or county?
John, what is the furthest you've been from home. Btw, what is the name of your town . . or county?
Furthest away from home would be Gran Canaria, located about 300 miles off the coast of the Western Sahara. I have lived in the town of Trim, County Meath for 22 years now but I am originally from the small village of Raharney in the neighbouring County of Westmeath. I still support the Westmeath footballers of course :16:
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a builder, like my dad. My first job was as a draughtsman for a company that made precast concrete products and I saw first hand how tough construction was so I got that silly idea out of head straight away ;D
I'm single Brenda. I was once engaged for 11 years believe it or not, but it didn't work out in the end, or the middle, or even in the beginning! Enough said about that. I have no children but I do like kids. I enjoyed all my nieces and nephews as they grew up and now the new generation of grandnieces and grandnephews have taken over. I do have some regret about never becoming a parent, for one thing I think it might have made me straighten out my own life a bit sooner but c'est la vie.
Engaged for 11 years ,I would consider that being married. Things happen for a reason. As for the great nieces and nephews, at least you can send them on their way to their parents, without the responsibility. :16:.
John being a Clegg fan and one that you most identify with, is there any direction that you wish Clarke would have taken the character of Clegg? :17:
David Jason was 61 when his first/only child arrived so there's still time John. :16:

If you could have changed any of the actors on the show, who would you chose and why?
I think I asked Pearl a similar question... Have you ever marched in a "demo" or done a "sit-in??":wink:
John being a Clegg fan and one that you most identify with, is there any direction that you wish Clarke would have taken the character of Clegg? :17:
I don't think so Brenda. I think the way Clegg was portrayed would have been hard to improve on. Considering that he was a timid, unadventurous and staid character he was such an interesting personality due in no small part to his homespun philosophy on all aspects of life which was always engaging. He was also the essential common ground between Compo and the various third men, without Clegg I doubt the other two could have maintained their kinship for very long.
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David Jason was 61 when his first/only child arrived so there's still time John. :16:

If you could have changed any of the actors on the show, who would you chose and why?
Burt Kwouk probably. I thought he was a lightweight compared to the rest of the regular cast, there were few occasions when he was ever really all that funny. To my mind he was a strange choice of character. I dont know what the thinking was behind it but for me it just didn't work. It would have been interesting to introduce a character that had been to school with the lads, maybe a 'ladies man' that would have provided constant competition with Howard for Marina's affections. So many possibilities other than recurring references to Hull and washing machines.