June 201 ask onyx (John)

I think I asked Pearl a similar question... Have you ever marched in a "demo" or done a "sit-in??":wink:
I attended Bolton St. College of Tech in Dublin on day release from my draughtmans job and we once sat in to protest about the lack of canteen facilities! More importantly we once marched in support of the supermarket workers who went on strike in protest against South African apartheid back in 1984, long before it was fashionable to do so.
So what kind of driver are you? Do you drive the speed limit or do you push it to the limits?

Have you ever taken "selfies" while driving? ;)
So what kind of driver are you? Do you drive the speed limit or do you push it to the limits?

Have you ever taken "selfies" while driving? ;)
I like to think I'm a careful driver and generally obey the rules. I was a bit reckless when I was younger but as I got older I started to drive more defensively, we all do I think:16:
And no, I have never taken a selfie when driving :30::wink:
What kind of person is your mother? Does she like to aggravate like you or is she kind and quiet? ;D
What kind of person is your mother? Does she like to aggravate like you or is she kind and quiet? ;D
She has changed a lot since dad died in 2006. Before, she was a very strong woman, made all the hard decisions within the family and my dad gladly left this with her. She was the disciplinarian, when we stepped out of line it was Mam we had to answer to. Since our dad passed on she has become a much less confident and less forthright person, dad's death hit her hard and I know she will never fully get over the loss.
John, have you ever done anything illegal?
What do you mean, liking this question Beth Wingate! I knew I was due a curve ball.
Ok, to my shame I would have driven my car while over the drink drive limit during my 'dependency' period. It didn't happen very often as I lived within a few minutes walk to the nearest pub but just once was too often of course. Its something that was done much more back then and was not so socially unacceptable as it it now, thankfully its completely taboo nowadays.
I think you are very brave to answer these questions John and not throwing Pearl a curve ball. You have dealt with your past in a very positive and brave way which I believe is why you are so successful now.

Hope you really didn't mind me liking the post, but it is true I am glad it was you and not me. ;D
I think you are very brave to answer these questions John and not throwing Pearl a curve ball. You have dealt with your past in a very positive and brave way which I believe is why you are so successful now.

Hope you really didn't mind me liking the post, but it is true I am glad it was you and not me. ;D
Thank you Beth, but I don't know about the successful bit!;D:35:
Easy one Pearl, that would be Clegg all day long! I can identify strongly with his philosophies on most things, women and marriage in particular:16: I love the introspective way he expressed himself and the way he used his notebook to "catch the passing thought"
I like the way he was a very important 'halfway house' between the other two. Without him there would have been little common ground between Compo and the third men.

And of course, he played that role both on and off camera; deja vu all over again.
Apart from Pearlophobia there's none that comes to mind Beth. I'm in therapy for that one and it's not going well. The cold sweats and night terrors may never go away;D;D
John, what's your favourite jam?
That's an easy one, strawberry! I love the Maribel brand from Lidl. I like lemon curd as well, Tesco's own deluxe brand it so moorish. Jam on toast is my between meals snack food, several times a day every day:biggrin:
That's an easy one, strawberry! I love the Maribel brand from Lidl. I like lemon curd as well, Tesco's own deluxe brand it so moorish. Jam on toast is my between meals snack food, several times a day every day:biggrin:

I swear to god we have to be related!!

Now you're really scared!! :12::12::12: