June 201 ask onyx (John)

I was quite sure John that you and Dick were correct in your pronunciation but decided to check it in case I was wrong too.
Would you believe there is an 11 second YouTube video pronouncing it correctly. Now it's not your word against your wife's word.

When I sold high quality menswear it was always "on-icks", usually stated to be finest quality onyx actually; we always had to stress the quality which was the reason for the price! Glad to know I did not give bad information to my clientele.
Onyx is a semi-precious stone and just a name I started to use from the time I got my first pc. I just picked a short word as a user name. May I congratulate you on your new found sensibility:dance: It won't last will it?:confused::16:

Looking at the above John I have to ask! Have you kissed the Blarney Stone?? :wink: :30:
What would you say is your biggest pet peeve or your top 3?
People that don't cover their mouth and yawn so wide you can see their tonsils! Also people that don't use their indicators when driving and those that drive too close behind you:unhappy:
People that don't cover their mouth and yawn so wide you can see their tonsils! Also people that don't use their indicators when driving and those that drive too close behind you:unhappy:
I agree. I hate it when people travel right behind you. All I have to do is hit my brake because of the person in front of me and there he will go, right into my backseat. grrrr
What are your top 3 favorite things in life?
At the risk of sounding like I'm coming over all profound I would say the most important things to me are having good health, my family who I didn't always fully appreciate and being relatively debt free is important to me considering the financial mess I was in in the past.
What are your top 3 favorite things in life?
Sorry Beth, I think I misread your question. My FAVOURITE things in life these days are simple things like going out for a meal, rallying on a fine summer Sunday and just being around my friends.
;D Of course, I was being a smarty pants. I know; I know....we are the ones that changed it. haha