jokes bad or otherwise.

Bloke in the pub..........."I've bought my wife a wooden leg for Christmas. Its not her main present ,just a stocking filler!" :wink: :me:
Grumpy parent... I'm going out to see if I can get a pack of batteries that say's " toys not included.":20:
Officers at a military installation were being lectured about a new computer. The training officer said the computer was able to withstand nuclear and chemical attacks.

Suddenly, he saw that one of the officers had a cup of coffee and yelled, "There will be no eating or drinking in this room! You'll have to get rid of that coffee."

The officer said meekly, "Sure, but why?"

"Because a coffee spill could ruin the keyboard."
Child at dinner table: "Are caterpillars good to eat?"

Parent: "No. Why would you ask a question like that?"

Child: "Well, there was one in your salad, but it's gone now."
At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings.

Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs.

Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and she said, "Johnny, what is the matter?"

Little Johnny responded, "I have pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife."
A young man went to his uncle for advice. "I'm torn between two women, a beautiful young girl I love and a rich widow that I don't really love. Which one should I choose??"
His uncle said " Follow your heart, go for the girl you love!
The young man said "That's good advice ,I'll choose love!"
He was just leaving when his uncle said " By the way, where do's the rich widow live??":wink:
Who's Santa's favourite singer?? ELF IS PRESLEY! :wink:

Or maybe for us.......ELVI PRESLEY! :me:
jokes bad or otherwise

Despite a free trade agreement in Europe it was reported in the paper today that Britain has banned imports of German Sprouts fro Christmas because they cannot guarantee the levels of emissions !
jokes bad or otherwise

Evidence of cuts in the Police Budget have been exposed in the papers in a leaked memo from the Chief Constable of Lancashire . In it he has instructed all Officers that they are now only allowed to say "Hello" :wink:
DOCTOR, DOCTOR!! I keep hallucinating about Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck!!:39:

How long have you been having these Disney spells????