jokes bad or otherwise.

My mate's got a split personality, but its split from the waist down
He keeps walking up to people he doesn't really want to talk to.
My mate who is a soldier was complaining about his commanding officers.
It was more of a General moan, nothing Major.
Just had a great result at the races!
My dog only went and won at 50-1.
I think I'll let her pick the next horse too
A three-year-old boy was examining his testicles while taking a bath.
" Mum" he asked, "are these my brains?"
"Not yet" she replied.
I've just been shopping for a blindfold, I tried on a blue one, a green one, a yellow one, a pink one, and a tartan one .
I couldn't see myself wearing any of them.
My wife says I'm a salesman's dream, because I will buy anything.
We'll see who's laughing when radio goes 3D
My doctor asked if my medication is working for my schizophrenia.
"I'm still in two minds", I told him.
Did you know that the average married couple argue around 412 times a year?
Well, 415 actually but try telling her that!