jokes bad or otherwise.

Kathy walks into the kitchen and sees Rachel with the whole box of animal
crackers spread out on the counter top.

Kathy: "Why did you pour out the whole box?"

Rachel: "The box says, 'Do not eat if the seal is broken.' I'm looking for
the seal."
In theory, everything works.

Well that is my last contribution for a few days while I relocate the PC and hopefully get it all upgraded to be even faster - which means I shall type even worse than I do now!
I held the door for a little old lady in the shop today.
We all laughed as she banged on the window shouting, "Let me in."
After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, French scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago.

Not to be outdone by the French: in the weeks that followed, American archaeologists dug to a depth of 20 feet before finding traces of copper wire. Shortly afterwards, they published an article in the New York Times saying : "American archaeologists, having found traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the French."

A few weeks later, ‘The British Archaeological Society of Northern England’ reported the following: "After digging down to a depth of 33 feet in the Skipton area of North Yorkshire in 2011, Charlie Hardcastle, a self-taught amateur archaeologist, reported that he had found absolutely fxxx all. Charlie has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Britain had already gone wireless."

Makes you proud to be British.
I am bored of punishing my dog repeatedly.
So I've made a voodoo doll with his likeness
and given it to him as chew toy.
Thieves are stealing telescopes off Blackpool front during the night and replacing them with kaleidoscopes.
Police say there may be a pattern developing.
My mate always used to tell me that he'd "see me alright" if he ever came into money.
How true that was, he won the lottery and got laser eye surgery.
A trucker made a call out on his CB radio - "I've got a large pig caught in the bull bars any advice on getting it down?"
Moments later comes a reply - "Take a sharp knife and cut the pig from its throat down its stomach letting its innards fall out and the rest of it should follow"
So the trucker follows the advice he was given and cuts the pig, lets the guts fall out then he goes back to his CB radio - "Yeah That worked really well. now what should i do with his bike and helmet?"
The brain is the most outstanding organ.It works non-stop,from the time you're born get married
I've just bought a copy of Big and Busty from the newsagents.I actually went in for The Sun but lost my nerve.