Best one liners

Compo; If only I could be sure there was a God who listened to small blokes with holes in their trousers.
From "Of Funerals and Fish"

Adultery? It's nerve-racking. Poor devils. Guilt and cramp in confined spaces.
Foggy to Smiler: I want you to think enemy. Some nasty vicious nine year old.

Smiler: Can we start with 8's.
Foggy: He was a good teacher.
Cleggy: He was always fair.
Compo: He gave me half of his cheese sandwich.
What do you think that would mean, a Toyota hooting three times?! Hoo hoo. Hoo hoo. Hoo hoo.
I can't say how often I have talked like Cleggy. Off in my own world not making any sense. ;D