Best one liners

Compo: I know what it is. I neglected her.
Cleggy : Sounds reasonable to me. If I had Nora Batty, I would neglect her too. :P
Foggy: I think she is in there. If she is in there, we all know what's going to happen if we ring the bell. I think he (Compo) should ring the bell. He doesn't think she's in there. Therefore if she is not in there, he's not running as big a risk as I am because I believe she's in there.
Foggy: I think she is in there. If she is in there, we all know what's going to happen if we ring the bell. I think he (Compo) should ring the bell. He doesn't think she's in there. Therefore if she is not in there, he's not running as big a risk as I am because I believe she's in there.
Good one Beth, I remember the quote but can't place the episode?
Foggy: I think she is in there. If she is in there, we all know what's going to happen if we ring the bell. I think he (Compo) should ring the bell. He doesn't think she's in there. Therefore if she is not in there, he's not running as big a risk as I am because I believe she's in there.
Good one Beth, I remember the quote but can't place the episode?
Thanks John! Taped it from our PBS station and had to rewind many times to get it right. Ha
I saw it for the first time 3 days ago and is one of my favorites now. Great one-liners in this episode.

Norah "I liked to surprise my Wally with a nice pair of long socks"!

Ivy "I should think it would surprise him, long socks would probably come past his eyes!"" ;) ;)
Not necessarily one liners as each has a good build up to the punch line, but these two get me every time.

There's the one where the trio are in a barn and Compo is talking about how well someone he once knew was now doing. He ends it with "he's got all his money tucked away in a Eunuchs Truss".

Then there is the one where Foggy turns hunter and plans to stun the creature with a dart, the end of which he's covered in Horlicks. When asked why Horlicks his reply is along the lines of "because it always gets me to sleep".
She'd wear any man down! Look at Wally , 4 foot 9! ::) When they married he was 6 foot 2 !! :o ;) ;)
Clegg: I never really thought of gravy granules as an aphrodisiac (from Pavarotti episode) :santahat:
Compo: Nor I am going to do for grub the rest of the week, I've got mice leaving home. :(
Wally " I'll take you home( speaking to the whippet) Its not as though she's not used to dogs! I've led a dogs life for years!!" :( :(
Clegg: Yee gods, if Auntie Wainwright's gone mobile then no one is safe. From "Aladdin Gets on your Wick"
Foggy to Compo: You always throw it (money) away on the horses. You could put at least three bookies down as dependents on your tax return.