Best one liners

Foggy: I think it's incredible you can't even remember your wife.
Compo: Well she wasn't around all that long was she.
;D ;D
Compo: I wonder what holds the sky up?
Cleggy: Probably road work somewhere.
Compo: Sometimes I wonder sometimes why it don't fall.
Foggy: The way you drink we often have wondered the same.
Look! They killed Aubrey! :o Don't say that no ....sorry (Aub?)no, but it is fine by me if he is so severely wounded that he has to go home. :me:
But precious, I've got to change my library book :o
Inside before I change your whole personality!! >:( >:(
Cleggy "She's always there when you're in pain Howard"
Howard "Because she's usually causing it :o :(
Billy; "She married this bloke with one leg called Ralf of Mexborough."
Clegg; "What was the other leg called ?"
Compo:"Listen Norm, I know this is a bad time but has tha' ever heard these rumours about Nora Batty being tattooed?" ;D
Compo handing Nora a flower "Take this and think of me when I am far far away!!"
Nora "Why ,where are you going?" >:( ::)
Compo " Norman Cleggs" ;) ;D
Wesley after praising a car he bought....." Who 'd want to steal a clapped out old banger like this?? :o ::)