Best one liners

It could be anyone! Someone desperate for a woman!
There you are then..... Its for you.
Barry......I need a new sport :(

Glenda......No you don't , you need an old sport like me :) ;D
Barry............."but I thought it would be small and cuddly"?? :30:

Glenda............."No Barry, that's me!!" >:( :wink:
Cleggy: I thought you wanted to look heroic.
Truly: Heroic but dry. No, the sensible thing when somebody falls in (the lake), is to stand well back until he stops splashing about and then fish him out with a long pole.
Truly: In the course of my investigations while rolling down the slope, I ascertained how hard the ground had become since we were nine. ;D
Truly: Every time I was doing something heroic, there was nobody around to make a fuss. I expect career wise that is where I went wrong. I should have sucked up to the media more instead of being Truly of the Yard, Man of Mystery.

Cleggy: I thought it was misery?
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